
THL124 Marketing Essentials


Marketing is the procedure of selling and buying of different products in marketplace. There are various tools and techniques which are adopted by various companies in order to enhance the selling and purchasing of various products to loyal in marketplace. There are different methods and processes which are ascertain by organisation in order to increase profitability of organisation in proper manner (West, 2012). There are different tools and techniques which are ascertain by different organisation which aids to manage the various functions of marketing and controls unwanted activities of organisation in proper manner. Th chosen organisation is Tesco Plc; which is a multinational company which provide different grocery and general merchandise retailing services. This organisation provide various grocery products and services to its loyal customer. In this report it includes roles and responsibility of marketing manager of company implementation of 7P's of marketing mix which helps to determine strategies which are ascertain by its competitor Aldi in order to expansion of business in other sector.

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P1 Key roles and responsibilities of marketing function

Marketing : It is very important function which is ascertain by marketing manager of different companies. There are various types of grocery products to different customer. It also aids to enhance rate of sales of various products in marketplace. This is also termed as the medium by which the marketing manager can communicate, deliver and exchange the rate of sales of different products and exchange of different customer, partner, society. This is also related with the different types operations which are related with various types of research in order to know demand and desire of different customer. In order to supply different products, organisation needs to implement effective supply chain management system which aids to fulfil desire and demand of different customer. There are different types of functions of marketing such as dynamic market, situational marketing and other different types of marketing trends which aids to develop concept of market.

Marketing process: This is concerned with the different strategies which are implemented by marketing department which aids to perform different types of functions of marketing. Functions of marketing explains the roles an responsibility of various employee which are working in various department. There are different steps which re involve in this process like accomplishment of mission determining different conditions, achieve objective, making different types of marketing strategies and plans. The process which are accomplish by the management of Tesco which are given below:

Mission: The main aims of marketing department of the Tesco is to make healthy relationship with different customer present in the marketplace. As this organisation provide various types of grocery products and many other service to the customer at reasonable price. The management of company of Tesco provide prepares different types of strategies and plans which aids to goals and objectives of company (Gummesson, 2011).

Situational Analysis: This is the process which helps to analysis the internal and external factors which affect different types of functions of business. Marketing department of Tesco ascertain these strategies in order to determine the strength and weakness of organisation.

Objectives: The marketing management of company requires to set various objectives which are based on different types of objectives of employee working in the company which aids to accomplish different type of functions of the organisation in effective manner. It helps to make effective decision making process.

Strategic and evaluation: This is the last steps of functions of marketing in which the marketing manager of Tesco prepare different types of strategies on the basis of collection of various data and information which are gather from other different phase. 7P's for marketing mix plays a signifiant roles in completion of various types of functions of company.

Roles and responsibilities: There are different roles and responsibilities which are accomplish by the manager of Tesco (Davidson, 2012). These activities aids to enhance the rate of sales of various products and it aids to increase the profitability of the organisation. There are different roles and responsibilities which are given below:

  • Research about market: It is duty of marketing manager to perform various research for determining the various trends which are used by different companies present in the marketplace. It also helps to analysis various demand and desire of customer and various others. This helps to determine strategies which are ascertain by its main rivals Aldi and many other competitor present in the marketplace. These strategies aids to attract large number of customer in the marketplace.
  • Promotion of organisation products: The manager of the company needs to ascertain various types of promoting tools and techniques which aids to explore the business in proper manner.
  • Brand development: The marketing manager of company needs to complete various functions which aids to ascertain trust of different customer and it also aids to ascertain strong brand in the market (Cavusgil and et. al., 2014).


There are various types of roles and responsibility which are perform by the marketing department of Tesco which are given below:

  • Coordination: This helps to establish effective environment within the organisation which aids to maintain coordination to accomplish various types of functions which are accomplish by the company. This helps to controls unwanted activities of organisation and also perform various functions in stipulated time period.
  • Smooth production of products: various types of research are conduct in the market on the basis of outcome of research it aids to perform different types of functions of company in stipulated period and also maintain effectiveness in environment.


The major factors of marketing which are related to the various functions which are performed by the different department which are given below:

  • there are various types of market research which are related with department which are ascertain by organisation in effective manner which are based on the result ascertain by the research.
  • Recognition of demand helps to proper implementation of the allocation of different resource and give effective service to various customer present in the marketplace.

P2&M2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing related to wider organisational context

Interrelation on marketing department with other department of Tesco

In every organisation, marketing department plays a significant roles in completion of different activities in a stipulated time period. This department coordinates with the other department in order to perform different activities which are related to various functions of marketing. It also aids to maximise the level of profit of company. So it is duty of company to develop proper marketing department which helps to accomplish different functions of marketing which are interrelated with department which helps to perform various types of functions of the organisation (Hugos, 2018). Tesco is multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer which provide different types of function of organisation which is controlled by the marketing department. It aids to take different types of order from the different customer which aids to accomplish goals and objectives of organisation. Marketing department plays a significant role in maintaining effectiveness while performing various types of strategies implemented by the organisation. There are various types of functions of organisation which are accomplished only with coordination of marketing department. Because this department provide various information which helps to accomplish different types of work in order to enhance effectiveness in performing various activities. So, the marketing department affect other functions of organisation in effective manner (Mitchell, 2012). The marketing department of Tesco perform various types of activities which are related to functions of marketing:

  • Operation department: There are various department of organisation which are interrelated to the operational department. It is duty of the marketing department to conduct marker research. This aids to analysis the different demand by the customer which are concerned with the different delivery of grocery products with in stipulated time period.
  • Finance department: This is most essential department of the company. Marketing department of the company helps various department by providing relevant information about the different aspects of marketing. This department aids to allocate different resources in order to arrange funds for accomplishment of financial activities of organisation in effective stipulated time period as per the requirement made by the organisation.

Human resource department. Human resource department is most important department which includes various functions of organisation it helps to accomplish all functions of organisation in effective manner (Durand and Barlow, 2012). HR department acquire different information which is given by the organisation.

Importance of marketing role of Tesco

In order to attain goals and objectives of the organisation the marketing department plays a significant roles in order to accomplish different types of activities of organisation in stipulated time period. Tesco implement various types of promotional tools which aids to attract large number of customer at market (Rowley, 2016). It implement different types of strategies in order to advertise and promote various products like social media, electronic media etc, these methods plays an essential roles which make effective promotion and advertisement. There are some importance of marketing roles which are given below:

  • Higher sales: there are different types of marketing functions which helps to increase the rate of sales of different products which are provided by the organisation. Advertisement of the different grocery products which leads to attract large number of customer which helps to increase the profitability of the organisation. It also helps to attract large number of revenue and capture large number of shares in marketplace (Smith, 2012).
  • Competitive advantages: In order to conduct different types of research marketing department of Tesco plays a significant role in order to gain competitive advantage in the market. Company implement different types of policies and strategies which helps to stand before its main rivals Aldi.
  • Company reputation: There are various types of marketing operation which are implemented by the company in order to provide different types of service to the customer. Organisation put its effort in order to delivery of different types of products to the customer. This leads to attain a sustainable brand image of organisation in proper manner.

Importance of interrelationship of marketing department with other department

there are various types of functions of organisation which are perform because of the different department performing there task in the organisation which are explains below:

  • Reduction of cost: There are various types of strategies which are used by the organisation in order to compete its different rivals present in market. The marketing department of Tesco decrease cost of different products as compare to price of different products of of Aldi. It also provide different types of grocery products which are produce as per the demand of the customer. This helps to manage unnecessary activity of the organisation in proper manner ( Collins and Stern, 2012).
  • Removal of confusion: The marketing department provide various types of relevant information which are about the different condition of market which helps to attain effectiveness in the performance of organisation. This helps to remove various types of controversies between various department which are concerned with the different activities which is performed by the department.


P3 Application of marketing mix to marketing planning process in achievement of organisational objectives

Marketing mix is the important factor which helps to perform different type opf functions of the organisation in proper manner. This helps to maximise the level of profit of the organisation in proper manner (Kahn, 2014). The element of marketing mix are such as products, price, place, promotion, process physical environment, people. These aids to prepare effective policies which helps to perform different types of functions of organisation. It also helps to prepare effective strategies which are concerned with the expansion of business activities in different sectors. It aids to accomplish various types of activities of organisation. It also aids to accomplish various types operation of organisation in stipulated time period. The element of marketing mix is to prepare plan for the expansion of business in the existing as well as new market. It aids to accomplish different types of functions of organisation in effective manner.

Comparison of marketing mix of two different organisation like Tesco and Aldi which are given below:





Tesco provide a wide range of products which includes food, clothing, electronics, financial service and many others. This ever to to expanding product line caters to every possible need of its consumers and it expanded into online marketing sector.

Aldi has a strong customer base because of the effective pricing strategies and provide different types of cheap quality of products to the customer in stipulated time period.


Tesco attempts to maintain as low as low price as possible without reducing the quality of different products of running itself in loss. In order to pass all cost advantages to its customers and keep them happy it uses a large number of measures which is concerns about the economies of scales it enjoys.

Aldi implement strategies of unit pricing strategies which includes for the different groceries products so that customer can easily compare it also charges low price for the new products so that they can enter in the market and gain share quickly.


The headquarter of Tesco is in Chestnut, Hertfordshire, England it stores are spread far and wide in the whole world. It consists of two main channels of distribution for its products and services by online medium and offline medium. Its offline forum has stores of six various kind like Tesco Express, Tesco Extra, Tesco Metro and many others. It make use of smaller stores for easier accessibility. Its online forum is used by the customer in order to purchase different types of products and services

Aldi group has more than 8000 stores in almost 18 nations. It keeps the layout of the store very simple to have minimum cost for the customer. Aldi procure all the products in bulk from different supplier and store them at local place.


The biggest advantages of Tesco is to provide different products at low prices. This is what sets it apart from other supermarket chain, it major objectives is to improve the image of brand by reducing cost and being true to its word.

The promotion activities under its marketing mix strategies is comprehensive. Claming it t be a cost saving strategies Aldi do not invest negligible amount for promotion and does not keep a marketing department.


Tesco excellence sales assistants are also greatly responsible for its success it uses the programs like Colleague privilege car save as you earn it employee are highly competent and well compensated for this contribution in making Tesco a success (Askeland and Wright, 2013).

Aldi has lower the customer service than its main rivals as employee do not assist in products selection this is because Aldi has very thought fully put store layout where everything is divided into sector.

Physical evidence

The Tesco stores are not overly elaborate like those of other grocery stores. This is because Tesco doesn't see the point in spending more than the necessary amount of money on furbishing its stores.

Aldi is globally renowned for simplest business process standardisation and global pricing 85% of the stock at its stores has items from home brand and the rest are from well recognised brands.


The process aspect of a marketing mix in Tesco to the process of keeping its customers happy by speedy billing services and easy acquirement of product in its stores offline as well as online.

Aldi by its sheer layout makes product finding very easy and thus customers generally select the products on their own which reduces the number of employee that Aldi needs to assist the customer.


(Source: 7 P's of marketing mix, 2018)

M3 Different tactics applied in the organisation to demonstrate how business objectives can be achieve

There are different types of tactics which are used by the management of Tesco in order to attain various business activities which are mentioned below:

  • company use different types of discount offers flexible price in order to attract large number of customer in marketplace.
  • The organisation properly trained employee in order to perform different functions of organisation.


P4 Evaluation of marketing plan for an organisation

There are various strategies which are implemented in the marketing plan which is ascertain by the manager of Tesco . It provide various directives to the employee to complete different functions of company in proper manner (Nguyen and Simkin, 2012).

Marketing situational analyses

The condition of Tesco is better in the market as company needs to understand the taste of the different customer which is made by organisation. This is concerned with determination of various external factor:

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis of Tesco helps to determine the various strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by management of organisation.

  • Strength: The major strength of company is have effective pricing strategies which helps to attract large number of customer.
  • Weaknesses: The major weaknesses of the company is not able to maintain the quality of different products.
  • Opportunities: The main opportunities which is creates by the Tesco is to provide different types of opportunity in order to attract large number of customer.
  • Threats: There are various types threats which are faced by the company. There are various competitor like Aldi. The management needs to concentrate over the strategies implemented over the different competitor present in the marketplace.

PESTLE analysis

This helps to determine the external factors which is ascertain in the organisation which effect the different functions of the organisation. These factors are such as political, economical, social, technological, legal, and environmental:

  • Political: This factor is concerned with the political stabilisation of nation in order to explore business.
  • Economical factor: this is Concerned with the distribution of the funds for accomplish various task of organisation.
  • Social factors : in present scenario it is concerned with level of transparency in order to attract large number of customer.
  • Technological factors: this factor is concerned with the implementation of new and advance technology in order to perform different task.
  • Legal factor: this factor is concerned with the completions of legal documentation of organisation.
  • Environmental factor: This is the strategies which are concerned with the pollution, wastes and other different types of of factors.

Objectives : the main objectives of company is to provide various functions which helps in providing facilities to the customer at reasonable price (Desai, 2013).

M4 Produce a detailed coherent evidence based marketing plan for an organisation.

Tesco implement different types of strategies in order to capture large number of customer. Different strategies like 7P's of marketing plan plays important role to ascertain goals and objectives of organisation.

D2 Design a strategic marketing plan that tactical y applies the use of the 7p's to attain overall performance

Strategic plan impact the marketing plan in effective manner which helps to attain the objective of organisation.

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From above report it has been assumed that marketing is the factor which helps to increase profitability of the organisation there are different types of strategies which are implemented by the organisation to attract large number of customer.

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Askeland, D. R. and Wright, W. J., 2013. Essentials of materials science & engineering. Cengage Learning.

Cavusgil, S. T., and et. al., 2014. International business. Pearson Australia.

Collins, J. and Stern, E. J., 2012. Chest radiology: the essentials. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Davidson, H., 2012. Offensive marketing. Routledge.

Desai, S. S., 2013. An analysis of the competitive marketing strategies of the hospitality industry in UAE. IUP Journal of Management Research. 12(1). p.22.

Durand, V. M. and Barlow, D. H., 2012. Essentials of abnormal psychology. Cengage Learning.

Gummesson, E., 2011. Total relationship marketing. Routledge.

Hugos, M. H., 2018. Essentials of supply chain management. John Wiley & Sons.

Kahn, K. B., 2014. Product planning essentials. Routledge.

Mitchell, B. L., 2012. Game design essentials. John Wiley & Sons.

Nguyen, B. and Simkin, L., 2012. Fairness quality: The role of fairness in a social and ethically oriented marketing landscape. The Marketing Review. 12(4). pp.333-344.

Rowley, J., 2016. Information marketing. Routledge.

Smith, A. C., 2012. Introduction to sport marketing. Routledge.

West, J. B., 2012. Respiratory physiology: the essentials. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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